
About us

A couple out and about with hopes and dreams of checking out every restaurant. Unfortunately restaurants open up faster than we can visit them, but we will try anyways.

Hoping to share our honest opinions with all our followers so we can help you find quality places around Sydney for you.


Loves to eat cheese and copping the consequences after. Can probably be found at a KBBQ on a Friday night doing way too many shots and playing old school drinking games with those soju bottle caps.

Outside of foods/drinks, he can be seen working away as a low level but aspiring DevOps engineer throughout the weekdays. In his leisure time, most likely trying to play barre chords on acoustic guitar, playing Valorant/Counter Strike/LoL or hitting up pub trivia nights (and losing) across Sydney CBD.


Iā€™m always thinking about sashimi, udon and donuts!

For any collaborations, invites or questions ā€“ please feel free to contact us here OR email . We would love to chat and hear from you šŸ™‚